The Russian State Museum of Religious History
The Russian Association of Karma Kagyu Buddhists
under the auspices of
The Committee for Religious Liaisons of Saint-Petersburg City Government
International Research Conference
‘Vajrayana Buddhism in Russia.
History and Modernity’
Saint-Petersburg, 20-21 October 2008
The conference was a part of the Third International Festival of Tibetan Buddhism in Russia - 'Buddhism.Ru'. The festival was in Saint-Petersburg on 16-22 October 2008.
Conference Objectives:
- professional exchange of ideas by specialists in history, philosophy and practices of Vajrayana;
- presenting philosophical and intellectual potentials of Vajrayana;
- establishing the origins of Vajrayana on Russian territories and defining stages of its propagation;
- undertaking to reveal intrinsic features of Vajrayana philosophy, psychology and Weltanschauung;
- characterizing social, cultural and spiritual preconditions whereby Vajrayana may be received and apprehended in contemporary social discourse.
Conference Venue:
The Russian State Museum of Religious History, Pochtamtskaya Ulitsa, 14/5
(subject to change)
Conference Dates:
20-21 October 2008, working hours 10.30-18.00
Conference Participants:
Scholars researching various aspects of Vajrayana Buddhism, specialists in such fields as Buddhology, History, Religious Studies, Archaeology, Anthropology, Art Criticism, Museum Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogics, Culture Studies, Sociology, Medicine, etc.
Conference Proceedings:
Submitted papers will be published in a volume entitled ‘Vajrayana Buddhism in Russia. History and Modernity’.
Organizing Committee Contacts:
- Anatoly Sokolov (St. Petersburg)
tel.: +7 916 7821168,
e-mail: - Vera Dronova (St. Petersburg)
tel.: +7 911 9212043,
Conference URL:
Festival URL:
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